
Sony Asia Pacific

Soccergraphy. In celebration of World Cup 2010 South Africa, I was asked to come out with the mechanics for the photography competition. They had no idea what to call it besides Football Photo Competition so I came out with the name, Soccergraphy, which they loved (it was rather obvious but no one else thought of it).

For this particular project, I enlisted the help of several Magnum photographers including Steve McCurry, Abbas Atta and Gueorgui Pinhassov. Steve's image is used in the offline collateral to promote the competition as I had shortlisted it after studying the available images.

There is something very simple about Steve's image. It was used in Natgeo magazine many years ago.

2000 Silverstone Rally of Asia
Was appointed Chief Media Officer for the 2000 Rally of Asia event which started in Kuala Lumpur on 5th August and terminated in Jinghong China on 13th August.